Good Morning to our DHE Families~ Thank you all for a great start to the school year! It has been exciting to see our Diamond Hill Elementary students back in school and watching our students SHINE! Below are a few reminders about procedures during morning drop-off and afternoon pick up. Our goal is to keep everyone as safe and to move lines efficiently as possible. We appreciate your patience and cooperation! In the mornings, please stay in your vehicle as you drop your child off in the car or bus loop. You may park and walk younger students (K-2) to the door, but please do not enter the building unless you have a need to visit the front office. School issued tags are required to pick up ALL students. Keep the car rider tag visible until your child has been loaded into the vehicle. School personnel (both calling students and loading students) during dismissal need to see the car rider tag. In the car loop, please form two lines up to the merge sign. We understand that the curve in the car loop is a tight fit for many vehicles. Use your judgment in the curve, but then continue forming two lines between the curve and the road. This helps to move vehicles out of Lake Secession Road. If you do not have a tag, please stop by the front office (prior to dismissal) to get a car tag. You can also call the school to have a tag sent home with your child. Students can be issued up to 3 tags. There is a charge for additional tags. **If you need to exit your vehicle (morning or afternoon), then you need to park.** Please share this information with those that drop off and pick up your child. Thank you for your help in making “Back to School” such a great time of the year! We will be sharing information about Open House later today. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Beth Riddle
Car Rider Procedure Reminders
Thank you all for your patience and support as we all adjust to a few changes with our morning drop off, dismissal, car rider pick up, and daily procedures/rules. All changes are to ensure that we keep everyone SAFE. This is our top priority! We appreciate your patience and words of encouragement. Thank you for a great first week. It has been a joy to have our children back in the building! ❤️
almost 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
After assessing our drop off and pick up procedures, we find it necessary to ask all drivers to stay in their vehicles during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Porch pickup will no longer be allowed. In the afternoon, please display your school issued tag on the dash, visor, or window and leave visible until your child has loaded the vehicle. Otherwise, you may be asked to park and come inside to get your child. The second driveway (the bus rider loop) is open for car riders to be picked up until 3:00 or until buses are visible. Drivers may continue to use the car rider side after 3:00. Allow your child to load on the side closest to the sidewalk rather than walking out into the driveway. If you need to buckle up your child , please pull up and over to a parking space so the line can continue to move. If you would like to shorten your wait time in the pickup line, plan to pick up your child at 3:00 when the line is much shorter. If you do not have a car tag, these will be distributed each afternoon this week before dismissal begins. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we want to ensure safety for all!
almost 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
Due to hazardous road conditions in parts of the county, Abbeville County School District will operate an eLearning platform for Tuesday, January 18.
over 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
Tomorrow, January 14th, will be an eLearning Day. Please read the attached eLearning Plan for details. Your child's teacher will be available for questions/help tomorrow during office hours as indicated on the attachment. Please note that for your child to be counted present tomorrow, students in grades 2-7 must submit the assignment on Google Classroom by midnight tomorrow, January 14th. We will post updated information as needed. We hope that you all stay healthy and safe!
over 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
DHE Christmas Performance and Literacy Lights - tonight at 6:00. Students should arrive before 5:45. The link to the livestream will be posted on the DHE Facebook page and website.
over 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
Thanks to our DHE families for sending in pictures for national Read Aloud to a Child Week. We have enjoyed seeing our students and their families reading together at home. Pictures can be found in the photo gallery.
over 2 years ago, Wendy Hanna
Red Ribbon Week will be Oct 25-29. Click the link for details!
over 2 years ago, Wendy Hanna
Diamond Hill Picture Day has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, October 13th.
over 2 years ago, Millie Ricketts
Thank you Diamond Hill Families for a great first week back to school. Please note that we have made some "tweaks" to our dismissal procedures. We are asking that you make a sign (if you do not already have one) to display with student names on it for our "callers" to see. Please keep these displayed in your window or dash until your children are safely in the vehicle. Please pull up to the designated cones as directed and stay in your vehicle. Our staff will direct students to cars. In the mornings, Diamond Hill students should not be dropped off and left before 7:15a.m. We thank you for helping us keep all students safe during drop-off and dismissal.
over 2 years ago, Millie Ricketts
DHE Parents: In an effort to help curb potential spreading of the virus, our district office is asking we not allow parents/guardians to walk students into the building on Day 1 as previously planned. We will have ample staff on hand at the Front Entrance to greet and escort students to either the cafeteria if they would like breakfast or the classroom. Our building has been deep cleaned and rooms staged to ensure that students are maintaining the 3' social distancing requirements as well. As a reminder, masks may be worn, but are not mandated at this time. We are excited to see our returning students and meet those that are joining us for the first time. Doors open at 7:15. Students need to be in the school by 7:50 to ensure they are in class ready to begin. The school news show begins at 7:55. See you in the morning!
over 2 years ago, Beth Riddle
Diamond Hill Elementary ~Meet the Teacher/Supply Drop Off Thursday, 8/12 from 4-6pm. Can’t wait to see you all!!!
over 2 years ago, Millie Ricketts
Registration for new students and students that were not able to register online will be TOMORROW, August 3, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. If you need help with online registration, please call the school. We will be happy to help!
almost 3 years ago, Beth Riddle
student registration